Inflation: How to Prepare for 2025 Reserve Fund Study Sticker Shock

Inflation: How to Prepare for 2024 Reserve Fund Study Sticker Shock

Construction inflation is putting pressure on condo boards to find strategies to make up for significant cost increases in refund studies. Inflation could mean making some hard decisions, including introducing common element fee increases or special assessments, putting further financial strain on condo owners. Here we offer tips to help your condo board prepare for…

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I Quit! How to Gain Control of Condo Board Member Churn

I Quit! How to Gain Control of Condo Board Member Churn

Ongoing board member resignations can cause operational disruptions, interfering with your board’s efficiency and effectiveness. However, you can use the following strategies to help avoid resignations and gain control of condo board member churn.  Focus on Resignation Prevention Resignation prevention focuses on simple strategies that help ensure board member satisfaction and success, including:  Formalize your…

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What Every Condo Corporation Should Know About Free TAF Support

What Every Condo Corporation Should Know About Free TAF Support

The Toronto Atmospheric Fund (TAF) is a non-profit agency helping the cities of Toronto and Hamilton (GTHA) meet their carbon neutral goals. Through guidance and funding, the agency facilitates GTHA projects related to global climate stabilization, including energy efficient solutions for multi-unit residential buildings (MURB). Here’s everything your condo corporation should know about the free…

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Not on My Watch: Security Tips for Condo Boards

Not on My Watch: Security Tips for Condo Boards

Your condo board has a responsibility to take reasonable measures to keep the property and residents safe. Here we share security tips for condo boards to help you implement proven security strategies.  Review, Assess and Establish Goals Make sure your board understands your current security plan by reviewing the following: Security documentation Emergency response plans…

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How to Prepare Your Condo Board for Toronto’s 2040 Net Zero Deadline

How to Prepare Your Condo Board for Toronto's 2040 Net Zero Deadline

Toronto’s 2040 Net Zero deadline calls for retrofit strategies that go beyond traditional cost- benefit calculations. Here we look at how to prepare for the deadline by making smarter retrofit choices that help set the groundwork for sustainability. Consider Larger Retrofits Your board needs to focus on larger scale retrofits. Before undertaking any one project,…

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The Top Lessons Condo Boards Learned in 2023

2023 condo roundup

Every year your condo community and its management learn from mistakes and triumphs that help inform your decisions in the new year. Here we look at the top lessons condo boards learned in 2023 to provide valuable insights that make your board wiser and stronger. Forensics Help Avoid Future Mistakes Forensics has become a popular…

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How Condo Board Management of “Nuisance Alarms” Saves Money

Condo Board Management Saves Money

Nuisance alarms are not just inconvenient. They can have long lasting repercussions that can lead not only to lost money, but also lost lives. Here’s how management of nuisance alarms can save money while helping to keep your community safe.  The Impact of Nuisance Alarms False fire alarms or “nuisance alarms” in condominiums impact your…

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Why Your Condo Board Must Include Residents In Fire Safety Plans

Condo fire safety plans

High-rise buildings in Ontario require fire safety plans under section 2.8 of the Ontario Fire Code. As a critical part of building safety, everyone who lives and works in the building must understand how the plan works and their role when a fire alarm goes off. Here we look at why your condo board must…

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