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The title “Condo Manager” can be misleading. While one condo corporation might hire a Condo Manager to oversee administrative duties, another might hire them to carry out duties that require a license. The Condominium Management Services Act defines the core responsibilities of a licensed Condo Manager. Here we compare the core responsibilities of a licensed Condo Manager versus a manager in a strictly administrative role.
What Does Managing a Condo Corporation Entail?
The Act defines a licensed Condo Manager as someone who conducts the following duties:
- Collecting or holding contributions to the common expenses or other amounts levied by, or payable to, the corporation.
- Exercising delegated powers and duties of the corporation or its board of directors, including:
- Making payments to third parties on behalf of the corporation,
- Negotiating or entering into contracts on behalf of the corporation, or
- Supervising employees or contractors hired or engaged by the corporation,
When filling the role of a Condo Manager, it is important to define their duties clearly. Their responsibilities determine whether they must meet the criteria as a licensed Condo Manager or simply fill an administrative position to perform unlicensed activities.
Licensed Condo Manager vs. Unlicensed Condo Manager Duties
Here are the main differences between licensed versus unlicensed managers based on their responsibilities:
“Supervising” employees and contractors
Licensed responsibilities would include clarifying the purpose and desired results of any given employee/contractor’s role. They also assess the work to ensure it is performed to the standards expected and provide feedback on the quality of work, including any corrective actions required. Licensed managers are concerned with performance and productivity metrics. They also find solutions to ensure all roles are filled to conduct the work required by the condo corporation.
Unlicensed duties would include things such as scheduling staff or preparing work orders for contractors.
Collecting or holding contributions to the common expenses
The licensed manager protects the condo owners from condo board financial mismanagement or abuse. They are answerable to the condo management regulatory system. Therefore, they put controls in place to ensure full accountability for properly managing funds, reducing the risk of mismanagement and theft.
Administrative responsibilities focus on the receipt and accurate recording of payments.
Preparing status certificates
Licensed Condo Managers control the content of the status certificate, ensuring accuracy and quality, while the unlicensed manager collects and enters data to create a document ready for review by the Condo Manager and board of directors.
Overseeing maintenance and repairs
The licensed Condo Manager oversees maintenance and repairs ensuring the condo board meets its legal obligations. They create proactive maintenance schedules, set a budget, and determine where funds will come from i.e., the reserve fund or special assessment. They review the maintenance budget and schedule with the condo board. Requests for proposals (RFPs) are issued by a licensed manager and they also recommend the appropriate contractors. They negotiate terms and put quality controls in place to protect the property and community.
The administrative side of maintenance involves creating schedules, preparing work orders, and in some cases, basic project management to ensure milestones are met.
Defining the role you expect your “Condo Manager” to fill will determine whether a license is required or not.
The condo experts at CPO Management Inc, a full-service property management company in Toronto and the GTA, has the experience you need to fill a licensed Condo Manager’s role. They have tremendous success helping condo corporations implement modifications and strategies which result in cost savings for your corporation. Reach out to us today to learn more about our condo services.
Soc: Before you post that “Condo Management” job, click here to be sure you understand their license requirements.