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The psychological health of your board members and property management team plays an important role in your effectiveness. According to the January 2022 Mental Health Index (MHI), Canadian mental health is at its most distressed level since October 2020. Here we look at what the MHI is telling your condo board about work-related mental health with tips to embrace a wellness-focused work environment.
Flexible Work Environments
Over 50% of Canadians feel a flexible work environment is more important to them than career progression. Flexibility was found to be the most important step employers can take to support mental health according to 33% of those surveyed.
Consider Possible Scheduling Options
Consider how your scheduling can help accommodate the needs of your team and board members. It is possible a schedule that considers less traditional hours can improve mental health while positively impacting resident responsiveness.
Work From Home Challenges
Although the allure of working from home was welcome, for many workers the novelty has worn off. The MHI showed 18% of remote workers expressed feelings of loneliness with 13% feeling forgotten. As well, when it comes to career development, 36% believe their opportunities are limited in a remote work environment.
Reconsider Remote and Hybrid Workforces
With almost all pandemic mandates lifted, now is the time to speak to your team members about a post-COVID workforce. Their contributions can help you establish a happier workplace moving forward. A sense of permanence can help people feel more secure, while involving workers in the decision-making process helps reduce feelings of isolation.
Belonging at Work
The MHI showed a sense of belonging was important to many workers. This included 16% who felt recognition of their work helped create a sense of belonging and 14% who felt improved co-worker relationships made a difference. Those who placed importance on work relationships not only experienced improved mental health, but also increased work productivity.
Create a Sense of Belonging
You can create a sense of belonging by ensuring your culture is inclusive. Are you offering equal opportunities for all staff? Are you facilitating a collaborative environment where people feel heard? Does everyone feel they are an important member of the team?
Employee Retention
Almost half of Canadians feel enjoying their work is reason to stick with their current jobs. However, 34% want benefits and services to support their health and wellbeing. As well, 33% said a fair salary also helped. Interestingly, those citing salary as important, have lower mental health and productivity levels.
Focus on Employee Wellness
Decreases in the MHI help predict cost and productivity risks indicating a need for employers to consider their role in mental health support. Free training is now available to introduce your team to psychological health in the workplace. You can also improve retention by focusing on benefits supporting employee wellness. As well, 20% of Canadians say feeling more valued and experiencing empathy in the workplace helps support their mental health.
Although workers in the real estate, rentals and leasing industry are in the top three industries experiencing the lowest increase in mental stress, there is always room for improvement. MHI insights can help you recognize signs of potential mental health issues in the workplace.
CPO Management Inc, a Toronto property management company specializing in condo management services can introduce management changes focused on flexibility, belonging, and wellness to improve productivity and your board’s effectiveness. Reach out to our team today.